Community Involvement
We are a family orientated club which sponsors a number of activities to show our concern for our community. These include monthly Firearms Safety Courses, Kids Fishing Derby, Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts activities, Family Cookouts, St. Patrick's Day and Christmas "lucky target" shoots, Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot, Beginner Shooting Lessons, Hiking Trails and Wildlife Viewing.
Our club house and grounds host several events for our local conservation groups such as Minot's Ledge Ducks Unlimited, Mass Stripped Bass Association, the newly formed Ruffed Grouse Society and we are looking to help support other local chapters.
Improvements to the grounds and buildings are a ongoing priority as we strive to excel in providing a safe environment with a first class experience.
We welcome new members who share in our vision of preserving positive family experiences, friendship, the sporting tradition and our environment!